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English Teachers' Blog

Finger Painting.

Both the Rabbit class (International course) and

Dandelion class have been enjoying finger painting.

We used a mix of poster paint, flour, washing liquid, and water to make a special paint.

This was then poured onto a plastic sheet.

The children could use their fingers and hands to mix the paint and create patterns with it.

After this they were told that they could use their feet to play in the paint.

Lots of patterns were being formed and then constantly changing.

We used red, and blue paint. Where it mixed together various shades of purple were created.

Even though it is called finger painting,

it could probably be called hand, arms, feet, and leg painting!

Some children really were enthusiastic to get lots of colour on their arms and legs,

but others seemingly did not want to get so messy!

This paint sets like a type of coloured clay. It took some time and lots of hot water to wash it off.








