学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Christmas Party.

The annual Christmas party took place today at Ishida kindergarten.

We have been preparing hard for this event for many weeks. The students practiced the songs that we all sang together, as well as the songs that each year class performed. The older classes (Momo and Tanpopo) also worked hard at learning their musical instruments. Rabbit class sang “What Can You Do?”, Tanpopo class sang “Zo San No Boushi”, Momo class sang “Gacha Gacha Band”, and Tsubaki class sang “Onmawa Minna”.

The most exciting part was the visit by Santa Claus. The children had been waiting to see him for a long time. When children had the chance to ask him a question, they nearly all were interested in the food that he likes!! We could all hear that Santa was approaching the building by the sound of sleigh bells. It was so lucky that he could attend our party, as he is such a busy man at this time of the year!

Of course, Santa brought all the children some presents. One child from each class collected a present from him on the stage. The other children looked a little worried that Santa had forgotten about them. Luckily, he had not forgotten, but had left presents for everyone back at their classrooms. They were all so happy to receive the presents from Santa.

I would like to thank everyone for attending the party, and for Saki sensei and Arai sensei – for presenting the party, and playing the piano, respectively.

I hope that you all enjoyed the presentation, music, songs, and the special visit from Santa Claus!!!





ラビット組は”What Can You Do?”(何ができますか)という歌を歌い、タンポポ組は”ぞうさんのぼうし”を、もも組は”ガチャガチャバンド”を、つばき組は”おんまはみんな”を歌いました。










