学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog


In the International classroom we always try to spend plenty of time reading English books.

A variety of picture books are available for the children to browse through

by themselves in their free time.

We also have periods when I read stories to the students.

Getting the children interested in looking at books is very important.

Just the act of holding and turning the pages of a book can be pleasurable.

It all helps them with their first steps at learning to read.

As we are now into the rainy season, we have been experiencing frequent rainy days.

On such days it is not possible for the children to go outside in the yard.

This provides extra time for reading and enjoying books in English.

We can also use this time for extra activities in the classroom;

such as doing arts and crafts, physical play, singing songs, playing games, etc.

Where possible, I like to match the books to the monthly English topics that we are studying.

This can help to reinforce the vocabulary and phrases that we are learning.

You can never have too many books!!











