学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Art Exhibition

For the past several weeks all of the students at Ishida Kindergarten have been creating pieces of art to be showcased at this week’s art exhibition. Many different themes were used for the art. The ideas came from stories read to the students, field trips, the change of season, calligraphy classes and many more.

All of the art work is being exhibited in the school’s hall and displayed on the wall in order of year groups. On the hall’s floor you can also find an installation.

The story of Hansel and Gretel was used for this year’s installation and every student assisted with creating crafts to represent the story’s iconic sweet house and its woodland surrounding. There you can also find many different types of animals and even the wicked old witch alongside Hansel and Gretel. Other smaller crafts the students made can also be found.

On Thursday of this week, the art exhibition began. Each class had the opportunity to go on a personal tour around the exhibition guided by their teacher. The students were very excited to find their own art and to view all of the other students’ art work too.

The art exhibition lasts for a total of three days and tomorrow will be the final day. So to all of the parents that haven’t already come, please enjoy our incredible exhibition tomorrow.







