学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Rainy Season And Tanabata

Since the last English Teacher’s Blog, the Rabbit class has moved onto two new topics. They are really enjoying learning about the different types of food and sea creatures vocabulary. We are now at the point where we are also able to combine questions that we have learnt so far, such as “what —— do you like?” and “what can you see? with each new topic.

As it is still the rainy season, the Rabbit class has had the opportunity to enjoy lots of craft time indoors in preparation for Tanabata. They really enjoy use their scissors, crayons and glue whilst creating their decorations. We have made an ice cream cone, morning glory,  and also Orihime and Hikoboshi dolls with cups. Most of these decorations could be hung on the Sasa at the main entrance where they could make a wish.

My wish for Tanabata was for all of the students to continue enjoying learning English and to have lots of fun whilst doing so. Please stay safe and dry during the these days of heavy rain.




