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English Teachers' Blog

Start Of The 2nd Term

September is here and the 2nd term has just begun. Doesn’t time fly by? During the recent summer vacation, the students took home with them their summer calendars. They used these to record all the different things they did during their vacation. Many of the students even drew pictures and shared photos of the different activities they experienced. Everyone seemed to of had so much fun and they were very excited to share this all on the first day back at school.

During the past couple of days, the Rabbit class made their very first painting. On the first day, they used their hands to smear paint across the paper to create a big blue sky. Afterwards, they used their hand print to create many white clouds. They really enjoyed dipping their hands into the paint and being creative. On the second day, they used their crayons to add more detail. They could draw faces in the clouds, rainbows, the sun and anything else they imagined being in the sky. They all have such a marvelous imagination.

September marks the start of the 2nd term but also Ishida’s Sports Day. During the next few weeks we will all be practicing hard in preparation for this year’s Sports Day. Good luck everyone, let’s do our best!










