学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Pianica Practice.

Children in the Lion class have been practicing to play their pianicas in readiness for the Christmas party.
They will perform the song that I have titled ‘Stars are Shining’. This song is called “Ohoshi ga Hikaru” in Japanese.
They started by finding the ‘so’ and ‘la’ keys on their keyboards, and then steadily progressed to trying all four lines of the tune.
It is difficult for them to find the correct keys at the correct pace, but everyone is trying their best, and rapidly improving.
I am looking forward to listening to their performance in December!
– Mark –
(Lion組の子どもたちは,クリスマス会に向けてピアニカの練習を始めています。年長組は”Stars are Shining”を演奏します。日本語では”おほしがひかる”といいますよ。