学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Teachers’ Art Training Day.

Yesterday, Ishida Kindergarten hosted a skills training day for teachers.

In total, more than sixty preschool teachers participated in the workshop.

These type of events are held throughout the year,

although they do not take place every month.

We were taught how to use colour and to blend it to make

variations in the final picture.

As well as how to implement gentle background washes,

and patterns around the main features and objects.

I found it interesting that we could add some of the background colour

into the paint colour we are applying.

This would make the paint fit more “comfortably” into the design.

At first we were instructed to paint turtles,

but for the final work we could decide the subjects by ourselves.

A wide range of paintings were produced,

and we all spent some time looking at the finished results.

Teacher Saki painted a slice of watermelon with bugs walking over it.

I painted a big snail with a pinkish-red shell.

Do you think that we made works of art??










