学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Fun With Our Happyokai Shows.

Today, the two International classes shared some time together so that we could have fun playing with our Happyokai shows. We could utilize the large stage props that were used for the real event on Happyokai Day. The Rabbit children carried their items for their show to the Bear classroom. We had decided in advance that we would allow them to swap roles within the performances, and allow each class to act in the other’s show. The Bear students could take roles in ‘The Enormous Radish’ show, and, following this, the Rabbit class could perform in ‘The Two Hungry Caterpillars’ show.

This was a really fun activity. They didn’t need to learn the actions or words in detail, but could follow the general instructions from the teachers, and more importantly, learn from the students in the other class. They could get a feeling of how the other class had to sing, speak, act and move. The classes had already practiced so much for the real event, that this time they could relax and just enjoy playing a different role.

The Bear students mainly played mice and cats in the Rabbit class’ show, The Enormous Radish. They picked up some of the song lyrics very quickly, and started to say some of the dialogue. They seemed to especially enjoy trying as hard as possible to pull the radish out of the ground. The Rabbit students played the role of caterpillars. They listened to the older students as they gave them lots of guidance as to where they should move to and what they should say. Some phrases were difficult for the younger class to repeat, but this wasn’t the point. They played the bugs with lots of energy and enjoyed finding the various items of fruit, and then eating through the holes.

This was a really good chance for the International classrooms to play together and to share some of the experiences that they have felt when practicing and performing in the shows. All the teachers were so happy to see the students having a great time and trying their best at a different show!

– Mark –

(今日,インターナショナルコースの2クラスは,生活発表会で行ったオペレッタを一緒に行い楽しみました。本番の発表会の日に使用した大道具・小道具を使いました。ラビットクラスの子ども達がベアークラスの部屋に大道具を運び,来てくれました。子ども達は事前にショーに出てくるキャラクターからなりたい役を決め,それぞれのクラスのあらすじに沿って演じることを楽しみました。ベアークラスの子ども達は’The Enormous Radish’(おおきなかぶ)のショーを,ラビットクラスの子ども達は’The Two Hungry Caterpillars’(はらぺこあおむし)のショーを行いました。


ベアークラスの子ども達は,主にラビットクラスの’The Enormous Radish’(おおきなかぶ)のショーのネズミ・ネコを演じました。子ども達は土の中からカブを引き抜く動作を特に楽しんでいたようでした。ラビットクラスの子ども達は,あおむしの役を演じました。ラビットクラスの子ども達は,ベアークラスの子ども達からどんな動きをするか,どんなセリフを言うかをたくさん教えてもらっていました。いくつかのセリフは年少さんには難しかったですが,しかしそこは大切なところではありません。子ども達は元気いっぱいに役を演じ,いろんな果物を見つけて穴を通ることを楽しんでいました。

