English Teacher's


Traditional Events (Setsubun and Hinamatsuri)

  • 2024.03.23
  • English Teacher's

    Each country in the world has their own unique culture and tradition. These are the  things that make a nation different from the others. In Japan, two of the most celebrated traditional events are “Setsubun” (Seasonal Division) and “Hinamatsuri” (Doll’s Day or Girls’ Day) which are celebrated the day before the beginning of Spring, February 3rd and March 3rd, respectively.


     During the celebration of “Setsubun”, Ishida Kindergarten were “attacked” by “oni” or demons (played by teachers who dressed up as demons). The students reacted differently. Others were crying and scared while the others looked brave and calm. They drove the demons away by saying the famous line, “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” which means “Demons out, good luck in”.


On the other hand, the celebration of “Hinamatsuri” was much calmer. Each class talked about everything that they had to know about Hinamatsuri and made some crafts about it. They even had a special lunch just for the said event called “Chirashizushi”.


     Remembering and celebrating these traditional events are necessary for cultural awareness. And as teachers, it is our duty to teach the future generation these things.



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[受付時間]月~金(祝・休日除く) 9:30~16:30