学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Playing with Clay.

Hello, I’m Daniel and very excited to introduce myself to you all. I’m from London,
England and now one of the new international teachers at Ishida Kindergarten. I teach in the Rabbit class where we make learning English fun and exciting for all of the students.

So far we have practiced numbers, colours, transportation, phonics and have now started to introduced shapes. Some basic questions have also been introduced such as “What’s your name? and “How old are you? and part of the group introduction at the start of classes.

Today, the Rabbit students could experience playing with clay for the first time in the classroom. They all had fun moulding the clay into different shapes and objects for everyone to admire.

It’s become much hotter recently, but all the students are keeping well hydrated and taken  care of.

Looking forward to seeing all the students English ability grow throughout the year.






さらに”What’s your name?”(お名前は何ですか?)や“How old are you?”(何歳ですか?)などのベーシッククエスチョンや朝の会の流れも学んでいます。



