English Teacher's


Painting Time

  • 2023.05.24
  • English Teacher's

A few days ago, students in the Lion class started to use their individual paint sets for the first time. Now that they are in the third year, they can learn how to use their own tubes of paint on their own palettes.

(数日前、ライオン組の子どもたちは初めて個人持ちの絵の具セットを使い始めました。 年長さんになった今、彼らは自分のパレットに自分のチューブの絵の具をどのように使うのかを覚えることができます。)

 After learning the rules about laying out their sets and how to squeeze out a small, corn-sized ball of paint, they then added some water with their brushes, and could begin painting their new pieces of art.
 Their first piece involved painting inside a grid of 8 spaces that they had drawn with a grey crayon. We named the art “Coloured Squares”.
(セットのレイアウトについての約束事と、小さなトウモロコシ大の絵の具の絞り出し方を学んだ後, 筆で水を加えて、絵を描き始めることができました。
 最初の作品は、灰色のクレヨンで描いた 8 つのスペースの中に色を塗ることでした。私たちはこの作品を「Colored Squares」と名付けました。)
 For the first few colours, the students just used one colour that the teacher suggested. They then moved on to mixing two colours together to form a new colour. For example, red paint mixed with white paint makes pink.
   For the final spaces, the students could choose the colours to mix together. Thus resulting in many interesting shades of colour!
(最初の数色は保育者が提案した 1 色だけを使いました。次に、2 つの色を混ぜ合わせ,例えば,赤い絵の具と白い絵の具を混ぜるとピンク色になるというような新しい色を作りました。
All the students did their best to use the paint sets neatly and to follow the rules.
Everyone was so excited to see what new colours would appear by mixing different paints together!

– Mark  sensei-

  • “コンタクトイラスト”
  • “コンタクトイラスト”





[受付時間]月~金(祝・休日除く) 9:30~16:30