Students from the two year 3 classes of Ishida Kindergarten (Lion and Tsubaki) have been busy cleaning the pool in preparation for the first pool days.
After being divided into three groups, they were allocated different areas to start cleaning. The teams then rotated around two times so that every team had cleaned each of the areas. The three areas to be cleaned were: the inside of the pool, the outside of the pool, and the shower area.
Students used scrubbing brushes and sponges with soapy water to thoroughly clean all of the surfaces.
(3つのグループに分かれ、それぞれのエリアに分かれて清掃を始めました。その後、チームが 2 回ローテーションして、各チームがそれぞれのエリアを掃除しました。掃除をする所はプールの内側、プールの外側、シャワーエリアの3箇所です。
The first pool day will be held on Tuesday, June 27, and will be for the younger students of Ishida Kindergarten – Tulip, Tanpopo and Rabbit classes. The older students – Momo, Bear, Tsubaki and Lion classes – will have their first session on the following day, Wednesday, June 28.
All of the year 3 students did a great job of cleaning the pool. They put in a lot of effort and the pool was so clean at the end of the session.
Everyone is so excited for the first pool days. They will be a great way to both have fun, and to cool down in the summer heat!
– Mark先生より