学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Virtual Concert

On November 18th of this year, Friday, right after their Sports Class, the Year II students, Momo Class and Bear Class, went to the third floor to do something fun and interesting. There awaited them was a big television screen and some very important guests (on TV).


The show started with a lady opening the program and welcoming everyone who is watching the show. It was then followed by the words of a man explaining what is going to happen and who the special guests are. Then appeared this group of familiar men (the same group of musicians who came to Ishida Preschool last year and gave them a concert show), called “Everly”. Their band composes of four men playing a specific musical instrument- piano, guitar, violin, and percussion instruments. Most of their music are just instrumentals. They mainly focus on the way the instruments are being played, not on the words of the songs. The most fun part of this event was when they, the students, were asked to stand and participate in the show by clapping while dancing to the music.


The main purpose of this event is to introduce the love for music to the students of Ishida Preschool, to showcase some of the musical instruments available out there, and in a way, to prepare them for the future Christmas event coming up the end of this year.


(この園児大会のテーマ“Enjoy the music ”のように,楽器に親しみを持ち,みんなで音楽を楽しむことができましたね。来月のクリスマス会での発表が楽しみですね♪
