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English Teachers' Blog

The First Calligraphy Classes.

Today, students in the third year of Ishida Kindergarten attended their first calligraphy classes. From this year Lion and Tsubaki classes each had their own separate lessons in the calligraphy room.
The students learnt about the different tools and items used to practice calligraphy – such as the calligraphy brushes, ink, ink pots, mats, paperweight bars, and the special paper.
Care was needed when using the black ink, as it is a very strong colour and can easily created a mess!
Everyone practiced using the brushes to draw some straight lines on the paper. It was an introductory lesson, so we focused on explaining the technique for drawing neat horizontal and vertical lines.
The students sat nicely and paid good attention to the calligraphy teacher, Nakamura sensei. They could mostly follow the correct techniques, although a few did switch to “painting” the lines, or putting on far too much ink!!
 Over the course of the school year, we will practice writing a variety of hiragana characters.
I am looking forward to seeing all of their great calligraphy work!
– Mark –