学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Special English Lessons

Today, students in the Rabbit, Bear and Lion classes had special English lessons with their teachers. The students could practice English and enjoy the time with fun games and activities.



The Rabbit class was lead by Doms sensei, where the main activity was for the children to draw the face of a member of their family. They then had to present the picture at the front of the classroom.


In the Bear class, Daniel sensei played a game which enabled the students to practice parts of their Happyokai show. They used cards to preform the game.


Students in the Lion class were taught by Mark sensei. There, they played a word challenge game. Two teams competed to find as many words as possible that corresponded to a chosen adjective.



All the classes were fun, thus enabling the students to practice spending English in a relaxed atmosphere.
