学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Preparing For The Art Festival.

On Friday and Thursday all students helped to carry art and craft items to the school hall. These will be arranged to make special displays for the art festival.

The paintings had already been hung on the walls, so this time the children were taking their 3-D crafts that had been produced from packaging and other materials. Some items were small individual pieces, but others were large works. We had to slowly ascend the stairs, as the group of pupils tried hard to hold onto the large pieces of craft!

The paintings and the floor displays are all arranged by year groupings. Year 1 – Tanpopo and Rabbit classes, Year 2 – Momo class, and Year 3 – Tsubaki class.

The art festival will run over two days, Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd.

Hopefully everyone is excited to see the work that the students have been busy creating.







