学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Pool Days

Starting on June 25th, we have been using the pool at Ishida Kindergarten. Today was the fourth day of using the pool. All classes use the pool at different times according to which year they are in. That means in the Rabbit class, we get to enjoy the pool with Tanpopo!

Before this, we also learned about pool safety. This is a very serious subject. The students listened well and understand the importance of safety. They respond well to the whistle. They seem to be listening better inside the classroom, too.

The students begin by bringing their pool bags to school which are waterproof. Inside are their swimwear, towel, swim cap, and extra plastic bag for wet clothes. As they change their clothes, we try to give directions only in English. This is good practice for them. When they are ready, we meet Tanpopo in Home class and do our warm-up stretches. After this, we shower our bodies and then it is pool time! Yay!

The students line up and wait their turn to enter. The water is about 25cm deep. We splash water on ourselves to get used to the feeling. We do this on different parts of our bodies. Then we get on our knees, and enjoy the water up to the shoulders. We did a number of exercises lead by Kitano-sensei. We walked the length of the pool or went in circles. Some students already look like good swimmers. I try to teach the correct motion in the hands, arms and legs.

Saki-sensei brought out a hose and the students enjoyed going under the stream of water. Another fun thing is using the plastic “toys” the students were asked to bring from home. These toys include empty containers that once held food, drink, soap, etc. They enjoy squirting or dumping water on themselves and their friends (and their teachers too). It is a lot of fun and a refreshing way to spend a hot summer day.

To my surprise, even the young Tulip class joined us in the big pool. Everyone was smiling.

There will be three more pool days in regular classes in August. During the summer holidays we will be open for Home class. We can enjoy the pool then too.







さき先生がホースを持ってきて,子どもたちは楽しんで水の下をくぐるなど楽しみました。もうひとつの楽しいことはおもちゃで遊ぶことです。幼稚園に持ってくるようお願いしたプラスティックの容器などで,食べ物や飲み物,洗剤などの容器です。子どもたちは水をピューっと出したり,自分や友達にかけたりしました。(先生もかけられます) プールはとても楽しく,暑い夏の日にリフレッシュにピッタリです。


