学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Painting Time In The Rabbit Class

The Rabbit class has been enjoying painting during the week and their most recent painting was of a turnip. The idea came from a story we read to the students titled “The Enormous Turnip.” It’s is a progressive story in which an old man plants a turnip which grows so big that he cannot pull it up himself. He asks for help from an old woman, girl, dog, cat and mouse. Together they could successfully pull it up.

The students used white, light green and dark green paint for the turnip and on the following day used their crayons to draw the people and animals holding it up in celebration after pulling it up. Everyone had a lot of fun using their imagination and creating such wonderful pieces of art.

There is a typhoon approaching Japan which will bring heavy rain and wind. Please stay safe and dry over the weekend.





