学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Happyokai Photos.

I hope that everyone enjoyed the Happyokai event on Saturday. We all practiced really hard for this special day, and I think that all the effort showed on the actual day. Each class did a truly great job overall, with everyone pulling together in their groups, as well as allowing students to show individual skills.

As a teacher on the International course, I was especially pleased with how the children could remember the words of their show and speech, speaking in English, and present it with pace and energy. Learning to do such an event in a second language takes a lot of extra courage!

Today the students had their group photos taken on the stage in the hall. They wore their Happyokai costumes, and had the props present from the shows. Also, back in our classrooms, we reenacted the shows again, but this time we swapped around the roles that the students played at the actual event. This was a fun activity that allows everyone the chance to see how they would play a different character. We could also see how well they could remember the whole performance.

Happyokai was a great day. Everyone put in a lot of work to produce a really special show. I am sure that the students gained a lot of confidence as they completed their performances in front of a large audience. This is a skill that will help them to grow further in the future.










