学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Halloween Party

It’s October and that means Halloween! It’s not the 31st just yet, but the students on the international course could get a taste of Halloween a little earlier.


On Wednesday, we held a Halloween event in the school’s main hall. We sang spooky songs, played a scary game and students even went trick or treating.

Students were grouped into monster teams and headed by a Lion class leader. Everyone had their own trick or treat bag to collect three different treats at the end of the event.
(子どもたちはモンスターやお菓子のグループ分かれ、Lion組のリーダーが引っ張っていっていました。イベントの最後に、3 つの異なるプレゼントをもらうために、全員が自分のトリック オア トリート バッグを持っていました。)

It was so much fun to have the Rabbit, Bear and Lion classes join together to have a ghoulish time!
(Rabbit組, Bear組と Lion組が一緒にちょっぴり怖い時間を過ごすのはとっても楽しかったです。)

Happy Halloween!

