学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Firefighters And A Fire Engine.

Today a team of firefighters visited Ishida Kindergarten as a part of emergency practice.

Beforehand, the children did an earthquake drill. They had to quickly hide underneath a table when the alert was sounded.

The main part of the program was focused on learning about the dangers of fire. Firefighters visited us from a fire station in Daigo.

The students listened to a presentation about fire safety, and then watched an animated film illustrating the dangers that must be avoided.

This film had such characters as Momotaro (Peach boy) and a seal called Fireman. They learnt that they should not play with lighters, matches, fireworks, and other hot items, such as irons.

The highlight of the visit was the viewing of the fire engine that had been parked at the front of the school. They enjoyed looking at the machine itself, and seeing all the equipment that is stored onboard. There were ladders, hoses, hammers, buckets, shovels, lamps, protective clothing, and many other safety items. The children could ask any questions that they were thinking about.

One firefighter demonstated how quickly he could change into his protective clothes; putting on safety boots, trousers, jacket, and helmet. This process has to be done at speed, so the team can tackle a fire as rapidly as possible.

Firefighters are doing such an important job at keeping us safe in fires and other natural disasters. What important work they do!!










