学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog


We have been playing dodgeball in the yard over the past few days. This has been a new activity for children on year 1 courses.

We played just a simple version of the game, where children had to stand within a circle that had been marked into the sand, and then avoid a ball that was rolled towards them.

Usually dodgeball involves two teams that face each other on a marked-out area. They then throw balls at each other with the aim of hitting a person from the opposing team. If someone is hit or goes outside of the court, they are out.

The younger students just played with the ball, but some of the other children were really getting into the game and trying to avoid the ball. Teachers rolled the ball to make it as fair as possible.

Can you play dodgeball? Yes, I can.

Can you play volleyball? No, I can’t.








みんなはドッジボールをできますか? はい、できます。

バレーボールはできますか? いいえ、できません。)