学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Color Art

The past two days in the Rabbit course involved art projects with color.

The first one was a finger painting exercise. Yesterday, the boys changed into old clothing that they brought just for this. Together with the Tanpopo class, we went to the front of the school near the bus garage. There, a plastic tarp was laid on the ground and taped down. Two large pails were filled with paint, one blue and one yellow. A small amount was given to each student and they were encouraged to spread it around with their hands. Then the second color was added, and much to the student’s surprise, a new color appeared!

It was delightful to see their reactions to blue and yellow making green. In the beginning, most students were quite careful not to make a mess. Gradually, they were invited to use their bare feet as well as their hands. Soon enough, everyone was covered in paint and smiling! We all had so much fun. Even the teachers joined in. Special thanks to the drivers for letting us use their space and for helping clean. We could also use this time to practice posing for photos, bathing, and changing.

Today, we did another art project making rainbows. We have done some art in the past using crayons, glue and scissors. I thought it would be nice to combine all these skills into one project. The students cut 2 clouds each with scissors and glued them to sheets of paper. They then drew separate lines of colors of their choice. They were also encouraged to give the clouds faces and some other designs in the sky. They were able to follow directions and use their imaginations at the same time. I am impressed with their ability to follow directions primarily in English. The finished product looks great, don’t you agree?








