学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Christmas Event

Today, December 14th, of the year 2022, Ishida Preschool had their long-awaited Christmas event. Teachers had been preparing the students for the said event for a few weeks now and it is time to showcase what they have got. All the students were tasked to play some musical instruments and sing a song except for the youngest class, tulip class, where they just sang a Japanese song. Years I and II students played three kinds of musical instruments, namely: castanet, bells, and tambourine. While Year III students played only one, the pianica.


All the students and staffs- teachers, non-teaching personnel, and the principal of Ishida Preschool are present in the said event. But the main spotlight goes to the star of Christmas, Santa Claus, who not only did not fail to make the Christmas Event extra special but also inspired all the students to do their best during their performances.


Right after the event, everybody came back to their respective classrooms and were excited to receive their presents “from” Santa Claus. The teachers made the students believe that he left a letter saying that they did well on the event and that he hid their presents in their classroom, and so the hunt began. They were overjoyed after finding their own present and could not wait to play with it when they get back home.


