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English Teachers' Blog

Carp Streamers (Koinobori)

Children’s Day is approaching, and to celebrate this event, students from the Lion and Tsubaki classes have been making carp streamers (koinobori).
They have been producing related craft items over the days immediately preceding the holiday period. This included a windmill made from folded paper, and two paper carp fish. The three pieces being then attached to a green plastic pole.
Today, the students had a chance to play with the carp streamers in the yard. They all ran about, watching the windmills spin around and the fish “swim” in the sky. It was also a great opportunity to take a group photo of all of the students with their crafts.
I hope that everyone will have a wonderful Children’s Day this May 5th. The carp fish represent strength and courage; with the hope that the children will grow up strong and with inner resilience. Surely this is such a wonderful goal for all of them!!
Please continue to enjoy the Golden Week holiday period with your families!!
– Mark –