学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Game Land.

Today, all the students have participated in playing games at our Game Land event. A variety of games were set up in different classrooms and the students had the chance to play these exciting games together.
All of the initial games were hosted by students in year 3 (the Lion class and the Tsubaki class). These students had practiced how to greet other students and to guide them at playing the games. The younger classes could enter the classrooms that had been selected as games rooms, and were then asked to pay the correct amount of money. In exchange a ticket was issued, and only then could they proceed p to start the game.


The main four games were: Bowling (bowling over bottles), shooting (throwing balls through holes in flowers), knocking over frogs (throwing balls to knock over frogs), and rolling animals (rolling balls under animal arches).
Students had previously made wallets from paper and had added their own designs. They were also given paper coins that they could use to pretend to pay for the games. The games had the following costs: bowling game – ¥10, shooting game – ¥20, knock over frogs – ¥20, and rolling animals – ¥30.
After the main event, the year 3 students went back to their classrooms to prepare for special games that only they would play. The Tsubaki class hosted a sumo game, and the Lion class hosted an arm wrestling game.
These games were very competitive, as they involved individual battles. It was really special to see how hard the students tried to win at these challenges.
The Game Land was an exciting and challenging time. Not only could students get pleasure from actually playing the games, but students could also experience roleplaying as members of staff and customers.
What an interesting time!
– Mark –