学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Grandparents’ Day.

Grandparents’ Day is approaching! This day is a National Holiday that is held on the third Monday of September – as such it will be observed on September 19th. this year. In Japan, this day is actually called Respect for the Aged Day, and is aimed at honouring senior citizens, and showing gratitude for all the effort they have given to society.
Grandparents are the most important elderly people for our young children. As such, students in year 3 at Ishida Kindergarten have been preparing letters to send out to their grandparents.
Lion class students wrote their messages in English, and Tsubaki class students wrote theirs in Japanese. Both classes then used coloured pens to draw pictures and to decorate the letters.
The cards, when completed, will be posted out to the grandparents’ homes, using the addressed envelopes as had been previously requested.
All the students tried to write as neatly as possible, and produced many different colourful pictures.
I hope that all the grandparents enjoy to receive the cards from their grandchildren!
Don’t forget to say a big “Thank you so much!” to your grandparents!!!
– Mark –

(Grandparents’ Day(おじいちゃん・おばあちゃんの日)が近づいてきました!この日は祝日となっており,9月の第3月曜日に設定されています-今年は9月19日です。日本では,この日をRespect for the Aged Day(敬老の日)と呼ばれ,長生きをしているお年寄りの方のお祝いをしたり,感謝の気持ちを伝える日です。




