学校法人 日本教育学園 石田幼稚園

English Teachers' Blog

Harvesting Potatoes.

On Wednesday, students in year 3 harvested potatoes within the school grounds. Children from the Lion class and the Tsubaki class made their way to an area located to the side of the school. They then gathered around some planting boxes.

After listening to some details about how the potatoes grow, all the students could have a go at pulling up the potatoes. They grasped the stems of the plants, and gave them a strong tug to bring the potatoes up to the surface.

Every time the roots were pulled up, the children were excited to see how many potatoes would be revealed. Would there be many, or just a few? Would they be large, or would they be small?

After knocking off the excess soil, the potatoes were placed into trays. By the end, we had filled two trays.

Some students pulled up potatoes that were about 12 cm long, whilst others found tiny ones of only about 1 cm.

Even getting such small ones was still fun. I heard some Lion students say: “They are baby potatoes!”

The children learnt that the potato plants had grown from old potatoes that start to sprout. Each old potato had been cut and then formed three or four shoots.

Growing the potato plants up until today had taken about three months!

The potatoes, along with carrots that are also growing, will be stored and then used to made curry at the school’s summer event.

I am sure that the Ishida potatoes will be truly delicious!!!


– Mark –








